
Showing posts from 2019

Bellissimo Instant premix coffee and chocolate

Bellissimo- Instant Premix Coffee The formulated instant coffee for a perfect body shape. Everybody wants a perfect look, from top to toe and therefore, we dress up. However, we need a perfect body shape to fit in a beautiful garment. The external beauty of a lady always come from her perfect body shape, which is the body size and proportion.   People nowadays love to kick start a beautiful day with a cup of coffee, as coffee able to give a lift and relieve stress. However, most of the instant coffee in the market are high sugar content, and it’s beyond the recommended daily sugar intake by World Health Organization (WHO). A lot of well-known instant coffee are high sugar and fats content, where the consumers will gain weight as much as they drink the coffee. This result in getting more people stop drinking coffee. WHO recommends that daily sugar intake for a male adult should not more than 35grams, while it shouldn’t more than 25grams for a female adult.   Hav...

Bellissimo intis premix kopi dan chocolate

Bellissimo Instant premix coffee and chocolate Bellissimo- Instix Premix Coffee☕️ Kopi segera klasik, minum untuk badan yang sempurna Kelebihan produk ini : - Menggalakkan peristalsis usus, tubuh tidak boleh dikumpulkan. - Membuang Toksik toksin dan mencantikkan kulit. - Mencegah lemak daripada terkumpul di dalam badan - Menggalakkan rembesan jus gastrik, membantu pencernaan dan selulit. - Manfaat air yang sangat baik dan mengurangkan edema. - Meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh anda dan mengurangkan berat badan serta sihat Bahan-bahan: Krimer bukan tenusu, serbuk kopi Arabica, serbuk coklat gelap, serbuk ekstrak kopi hijau, ekstrak ginseng Penyediaan: - Buka 1 paket dan campurkan dalam air 100-120ml dan goncang untuk diminum. - Ambil satu pek sehari. - Simpan di tempat kering yang sejuk. Saiz hidangan: 15 g / bag ------------------- Bellissimo- Minuman Chocolate Instan Coklat, minuman manis dan pelangsingan Kesan penting: ...

Bellissimo slimming drink

Every day ,every minute ,every hours....non Stop.......... Bellissimo slimming drink testimony and Feedback

Bellissimo instant coffee and chocolate 瘦身饮

很多人以为 要减肥一定要吃减肥药🤭 其实 只需要睡醒喝一杯 #Bellissimo 咖啡☕️或巧克力🍫 就可以帮你达到效果了❤️ 新年剩下30天 。。个个都加油的瘦了还要瘦 为了穿美美过🐷年,您还在考虑吗?? #Bellissimo咖啡或巧克力是你的瘦身首选 新年前🐷宝贝们都纷纷的努力瘦下来了[Clap]                                      一盒就轻松滴瘦了2Kg了[Chuckle]而且还是没有每一天喝喔😂。           别再犹豫了(^○^)快点询问把它带回家去吧……新年🐷水晶晶的过年[Smart] #Bellissimo咖啡或巧克力是你的瘦身首选 美女一早来报喜❤️ 喝了 #Bellissimo 之后, #终于从原本的8字头退到7字头啦、 整整瘦了8.7kg😆 #新年可以穿好多美美的衣服啦🥰 Bellissimo- Instant Premix Coffee☕️ 经典即溶咖啡☕️喝出完美体态 产品效果: - 促进肠道蠕动,身体不容囤积宿便。 - 排出毒素,美化肌肤。 - 防止脂肪积滞体内 - 促进胃液分泌,有助消化与消脂。 - 极佳的利水功效,减少水肿现象。 - 提高身体新陈代谢,变成易瘦体质。 成分: 非乳制奶精,阿拉比卡咖啡粉,黑巧克力粉,绿咖啡豆萃取粉,人参萃取 - 打开1小包混合在100-120ml水中并摇匀后饮用。 - 每天服用一包。 存储建议: - 存放在阴凉干燥处。 份量: 15克/包 ——————————————————— Bellissimo- Instant Chocolate Drink🍫 浓情巧克力🍫甜美瘦身饮 显著功效 : · 脂肪燃烧 · 提高新陈代谢速率 · 瘦身同时雕塑肌肉 · 增强免疫功能 · 促进肠胃蠕动 · 抑制食欲的功效 · 减少脂肪的囤积 成分: 非乳制奶精,奶製品奶精,巧克力粉...